Using the site

The site is simple to navigate with self-explanatory menus and superfluous explanation and elaboration stripped away in order to make the content as focused as possible.

People whose job is to support how work is carried out —  managers, applied human scientists or management consultants — can rely too much on their own preconceptions and intuitions and models of how they think people behave, without trying to understand what a task really involves. This can lead to inconsistencies of approach and a risk of missing key information. HTA tries to avoid making unjustified assumptions.

Where appropriate, straightforward text and simple diagrams are used to explain things. In other areas short explanatory videos are provided. All of the different website elements used should be familiar to users of web-browsers.

Using HTA isn’t a matter of following a rigid procedure, but of applying a few principles in an appropriate and consistent way. If an analyst understands what they are doing then carrying out HTA becomes straightforward and effective.